Friday, October 4, 2013

S.P.'s 4th Grade Online Math

This year to implement the Khan institute of 21st learning, I am modifying my math instruction. In the past all math content was delivered by lecture. This year as appropriate content comes up, I am having the students view a video for homework. They are then asked to practice some problems either using Khan Academy or Braingenie. Because many of these concepts are new to the students they have questions as they are working with the problems. I ask that they write down at least 1 of these questions to ask in class. If they get the concept they must explain how to do a problem as if to someone that doesn't know how to do the concept. We then go over it in class to ensure all students understand the concept. This approach means that students have some form of interaction with the skill 3 times before being graded on it the 4th time they see it. This is different than the 1 time they heard me lecture and then had to do work in class regarding it.

Is it working? To start out it was a bit rocky. Nine and ten year olds are not used to this type of learning and using the computer in such a way. To make it easier on my students I made a wiki spaces page that I post the url to the exact video or exercises I want them to practice. I've noticed they have been asking parents to help them learn the concept because they get frustrated with not being able to get the practice problems correct all of the time. I am still working on weaning the students off of asking for help on these concepts before I have given the lecture. Most students seem to be excited about it when we have online homework.

I am going to keep this routine and adjust as necessary.

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